Solar tracking data update: Tuesday April 23 2024, 15:48:01

Sunrise and Sunset: 4:56 - 18:22 Solar Zenith:128.923091 Solar Azimuth:21.602653
Solar Zenith
Solar Azimuth

Shortterm View:

Weekly Solar Zenith
Weekly Solar Azimuth

Midterm View:

Station Health

Station Uptime:
IP Address:
CPU Usage:
RAM Usage:
55M of 871M
Disk Usage:
17G of 59G
CPU Temperature:

PV System

Charge Controller:
Victron MPPT 75/10
Controller Rating:
75V 10A
PV Panel:
Autumn Technologies
Panel Rating:
40W (4x10W)
Battery Type:
Yuasa NPH12-12
Battery Rating:
12Ah (1x12Ah/10hrs)

Solar System Images